Frequently Asked Questions for school governors and clerks
Training for School Governors
Qutie often many of the questions asked by school governors can be easily answered / addressed if they attend an Induction Training Course which are usually run by the Local Authority.
The governing body has an allocated budget to pay for governing body meetings and training courses.
If you are a school governor then at the next governing body meeting ask the clerk to the governing body to organise regular training courses (one per term or as required), particularly in the following areas:
a) Induction on Roles and Responsibilities
b) RaiseOnLine
c) Finance
d) Recruitment of Senior Leadership
Without training Governors will struggle to be effective, measure performance, set targets and ensure the school complies with all its legal obligations.
Governing Body Meetings
Meetings are convened by the clerk who takes directions from the governing body and the chair. Any three members of the governing body can request a governing body meeting by giving written notice to the clerk that summarises the business to be conducted. The clerk must convene a meeting as soon as is practicable.
The clerk must give each governor, associate member and the headteacher (if not a governor) written notice of a meeting, a copy of the agenda and any
papers to be considered at the meeting at least seven days before the meeting.
The quorum for any governing body meeting and vote must be one half (rounded up to a whole number) of the complete membership of the governing body, excluding vacancies. For example, if the full membership is 15 and there are three vacancies, then the quorum for a governing body meeting is six governors (one half of 12).
If there are an equal number of votes, the chair (or the person acting as chair provided that they are a governor) has a second, or casting vote.
Proxy voting is only allowed to change the name of a school. This is the only occasion where a proxy vote can be accepted.
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The MPA - What we do?
The Muslim Parents Association is an independent, non-profit making organisation that provides advice, support and training for Muslim parents to advance the education of their children on a variety of themes.
Run by Parents for Parents
Educational Environment
"The child has a different relation to his environment from ours. Adults admire their enviroment; they remember it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that his eyes see and ears hear. In us the same thing produce no change, but the child is transformed by them." Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind.
Meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)
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